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The analysis reveals that the position which the CMEA countries occupy in the international technology transfer and high-tech trade continues to be indaquate to their scientific-research and production potentials. If market relations are activated and egzogenic factors bring about the desired effects, the complex programme of scientific-technological co-operation within the CMEA till 2000 may prove a turning point in the current situation. 1. Institutional framework of the scientific-technological co-operation programme should be completed with a wider usage of market mechanisms and economic calculus parameters, which would facilitate tightening production-technological bonds in the form of direct co-operation at the level of enterprise and, moreover, would bring about positive transformations in the commodity structure of trade turnover. 2. Close production-trade co-operation within the CMEA grouping requires further equalization of economic development levels, creating high level infrastructures in industry, science and research and unification of technical norms and standards. 3. In relations with other coutries, the CMEA economic policy should secure improvement of adjustment mechanisms to the world economy. The hithero existing mechanisms have caused weak positive impulses, but to a higher extent they have reinforced negative impulses resulting from the world economy. 4. Adjustment mechanisms resulting from the economic reforms gradually introduced by the European socialist countries should comprise the whole economy, not only those sectors exposed to the world competition. 5. Introduction of economic reform mechanisms would facilitate the increased effect of innovation spread. 6. Complementary usage of East and West technology (credits, licences) cannot be excluded, providing that their effective application is ex ante guaranteed and on the condition of detente in international relations. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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