Tytuł artykułu
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Compensation for Death of a Relative - Selected Issues
Języki publikacji
Wprowadzenie art. 446 § 4 k.c. wywołało szereg wątpliwości i sporów, które znajdują często swój finał na sali sądowej. Spory te zazwyczaj powstają na kanwie odpowiedzialności ubezpieczyciela sprawcy wypadku z umowy ubezpieczenia OC posiadaczy pojazdów mechanicznych. W niniejszym artykule omówię parę kwestii, które dotychczas nie były, jak się zdaje, poddane głębszej analizie w literaturze przedmiotu. (fragment tekstu)
The following article describes selected aspects of death of a relative pursuant to article 446 § 4 of the Civil Code. At the beginning, the concept of liability in the light of article 446 § 4 of the Civil Code was analyzed. Special attention was paid to the definition of "the closest relatives" as subjects entitled to indemnification. As it was identified by doctrine and court judgments this term cannot be directly identified with the blood relationship. In some cases persons entitled to compensation do not belong to the group of close relatives, in other cases even the closest relatives might not be entitled to receive compensation according to the article 446 § 4 of the Civil Code. Injury suffered by the entitled persons is a key factor in such cases. This topic as well as factors influencing the height of indemnity are discussed herein. Moreover, the article tackles the term of succession of a compensation claim due to article 445 § 1 of the Civil Code and successor's own claim for compensation for the death of decedent pursuant to article 446 § 4 of the Civil Code. The author is of the opinion that the amount of compensation due according to article 446 § 4 of the Civil Code should be mathemically reduced by the amount of compensation inherited pursuant to article 445 § 3 of the Civil Code. Additionally, this article deals with the concept of possible compensation for death of a relative concerning harm resulting from violation of one's personal rights (art. 448 of the Civil Code). The author states that such claims are reasonable if one can point out specific kinds of personal rights that are infringed - that is the right to have a family life and specific emotional bounds existing between parents and their children. Although, in some cases it is possible that the perpetrator's liability will be recognized on the basis of article 448 of the Civil Code, however it seems doubtful that perpetrator's insurer will be obliged to pay compensation on the basis of articles 34 and 50 of the Act on compulsory insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Found and the Polish Motor Insurance Bureau. According to these regulations, the compensation shall be granted for death or personal injury (in compliance with articles 444, 445 and 446 of the Civil Code). These regulations do not include compensation based on article 448 of the Civil Code that determines compensation for violation of personal rights. (original abstract)
- Radca prawny
- A. Cisek, (w:) E. Gniewek, Kodeks Cywilny. Komentarz, wyd. 4, wersja elektroniczna Legalis, komentarz do art. 446 k.c.
- M. Safjan, (w:) K. Pietrzykowski, Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz, t. I, s. 1295 i nast.
- A. Daszewski, Zadośćuczynienia za szkody niemajątkowe z art. 445 § 1 k.c. oraz art. 446 § 4 k.c., Rozprawy Ubezpieczeniowe 2010, nr 9, s. 34 i nast.
- A. Daszewski, Od stosownego odszkodowania do zadośćuczynienia pieniężnego za krzywdę dla najbliższych członków rodziny zmarłego, Prawo Asekuracyjne 2008, nr 4, s.4 i nast.
Typ dokumentu
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