t. 17, z. 1, cz. 2 Management - Human Resources Management - Knowledge Management : Research and Analysis
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Problems of knowledge transfer from science space into an industrial space is now in the middle of interest of European Union concerning the Knowledge Based Economy (KBE), especially connected with Horizon 2020 programme. In Poland there are special politics of support of Innovative Economy. The main activity addressed to SMEs sector and its goal is support of development of entrepreneurship in small and medium enterprises. There are not so many sources of literature about knowledge diffusion in Polish SMEs. The first reports were presented by PARP and Confederation Lewiatan1. Literature confirms that there are a lot of barriers for implementation of a modern development of innovative processes and transfer of technologies. One is the lack of cooperation between science space and industrial space [Santarek 2008]. Another one is an insufficient diffusion of knowledge from outside of SME and inside. Discussion of those phenomena is main goal of article on example of SMEs from confectionery branch. Two hypothesis are formulated:
I. In SMEs sector some barriers of knowledge diffusion between science space and industrial space were indicated
II. Factors supporting the knowledge diffusion inside SMEs, improving the competitiveness of SMEs could be indicated.
Results of research in confectionery branch in Poland based on observation, an expert meeting and case study methods are presented. The model of knowledge diffusion in SMEs in confectionery branch is also presented. (original abstract)
I. In SMEs sector some barriers of knowledge diffusion between science space and industrial space were indicated
II. Factors supporting the knowledge diffusion inside SMEs, improving the competitiveness of SMEs could be indicated.
Results of research in confectionery branch in Poland based on observation, an expert meeting and case study methods are presented. The model of knowledge diffusion in SMEs in confectionery branch is also presented. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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