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In this paper the authors describe the trends of the Hungarian agricultural production and transformation of rural Hungary after 1990. By their conclusions, the intricate and unsuccessful transformation of ownership and production structure of agriculture has played a key role in rural changes in Hungary. Agriculture, though a key sector so far, will be unable to find all the necessary fundings for economic viability of the countryside in the post socialist era. During the enhancement process of rural regions in order to provide a livelihood, certain things are indispensable, such as infrastructural convergence, improvement in accessibility, development of SMEs and so on. They conclude: if rural regions in Hungary would like to reach the development level of European counterparts, they need to get through a development process, which must consists of at least four key elements: (1) a successful agriculture, (2) good acces(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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