Tytuł artykułu
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Tendencies of Change in the Afforestation of Private Agricultural Land in Poland Over the Years 1996-2003
Języki publikacji
W pracy ukazano zmiany, jakie zaszły w zalesianiu prywatnych gruntów rolnych w Polsce w latach 1996-2003 oraz wyjaśniono ich przyczyny. Analizę zmian przeprowadzono w układzie gminnym. Przedstawiono także możliwości zalesień gruntów porolnych oraz wskazano na korzyści wynikające z podjęcia tych działań. Przede wszystkim chodziło o uchwycenie dynamiki zalesień prywatnych gruntów rolnych, dysproporcji w ich natężeniu oraz tendencji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the paper is to present changes that occurred in the afforestation of private agricultural land in Poland over the years 1996-2003 and to explain their causes. The analysis was made by commune. Also presented are possibilities of afforestation of former agricultural land and benefits to be derived from this measure in the future. Atten-tion was focused on the dynamics, disproportions and tendencies in the afforestation of private agricultural land. The results revealed some general tendencies in the afforestation of former farmland in Poland. What was most readily noticeable was an increase in interest in such practices from year to year: the afforestation rates grew markedly, both at the national and regional scales. The figures differed spatially, however. The rate of afforestation of private land depends on the level of financial support. That this is an important factor could be seen in the increase in the area afforested after the Farmland Afforestation Act had come into force in 2001 and subsidies from the State Forests Woodland Fund had become operative. However, apart from economic instru-ments stimulating the extent of afforestations, other measures are necessary to promote afforestation policy. Too often many woodland owners have no knowledge of the various forms of support available and rules of applying for it.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA