Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Situation of Open Pension Funds in the Context of Recent Changes in the Regulation - Analysis and Evaluation
Języki publikacji
Proposals for changes in the pension system, the Pillar II may be important not only for future retirees but also for the state's finances. At least two scenarios should be considered. In the first, a partial continuation of the funded part of the pension system is assumed, in the second its complete elimination and return to the PAYG system which means the total pension liabilities assumed by the state. This paper is an attempt to analyze and assess the current situation of pension funds.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Proposals for changes in the pension system, the Pillar II may be important not only for future retirees but also for the state's finances. At least two scenarios should be considered. In the first, a partial continuation of the funded part of the pension system is assumed, in the second its complete elimination and return to the PAYG system which means the total pension liabilities assumed by the state. This paper is an attempt to analyze and assess the current situation of pension funds.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Łódzki
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA