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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the "NIMBY syndrome" in the context of the infrastructure rojects and the potential of implementing certain marketing strategies, in order to diminish its' negative effects. It creates a theoretical background for a larger-scale research project: "Innovative Model of Socioeconomic Benefits and Costs in Infrastructural Projects".
Approach: In the first part of the paper, basing on review of literature, the essence and concept of the NIMBY syndrome has been explained, along with possible areas of occurrence. Next, the evaluation proceeded to explain the concept and range of social marketing, which tools and principles can resolve conflicts that raise on the base of the NIMBY syndrome. Addition to theoretical approach is the analysis of exemplar marketing actions, which can be taken in connection with the construction of Wind Farms. In the case study, it has been pointed that certain marketing actions may be taken by followers as well as opponents of the given investment.
Implications for society: The composition of marketing strategies (marketing mix) may affect the favor of the local population (target market of investment projects). Due to the fact that important feature of social marketing is the change of behavior of specific target groups, the course and economics of an investment process may strongly depend on the taken marketing actions.
Value of the paper: This paper explains the NIMBY syndrome and presents selection of marketing tools which can diminish its' outcome and minimize the costs of investment. (original abstract)
Approach: In the first part of the paper, basing on review of literature, the essence and concept of the NIMBY syndrome has been explained, along with possible areas of occurrence. Next, the evaluation proceeded to explain the concept and range of social marketing, which tools and principles can resolve conflicts that raise on the base of the NIMBY syndrome. Addition to theoretical approach is the analysis of exemplar marketing actions, which can be taken in connection with the construction of Wind Farms. In the case study, it has been pointed that certain marketing actions may be taken by followers as well as opponents of the given investment.
Implications for society: The composition of marketing strategies (marketing mix) may affect the favor of the local population (target market of investment projects). Due to the fact that important feature of social marketing is the change of behavior of specific target groups, the course and economics of an investment process may strongly depend on the taken marketing actions.
Value of the paper: This paper explains the NIMBY syndrome and presents selection of marketing tools which can diminish its' outcome and minimize the costs of investment. (original abstract)
- University of Gdańsk, Poland
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