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In the Faculty of Economics of Szechenyi Istvan University a City Marketing Research Group operates which prepares studies year after year for the local government of Gyor and participates in national competitions as well. At present in our article - as the supervisor and member of the Research Group - we report on our recent achievements and solutions prepared for current marketing problems. During our last commission, we prepared the exploration of the opportunities of the European Youth Olympic Festival (abbreviated: EYOF) of Gyor in 2017 and a proposal, which refers to the expected problems. EYOF is the third most prestigious sports event in the Olympic Games, in which the age group 14-18 matches its talent in 9 different sports. The Festival's aim is to raise the motivation in the young people that gradually transforms into contest, which is the vital element of the human social development (Tamandl 2014). Before we detail the current issues of the organization of Gyor, we take into consideration the expected international image effects. (fragment of text)
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Opis fizyczny
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