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Economists have assumed for a long time, that consumers are making purchasing decisions rationally, based on carefully weighing the benefits and downturns of different choices. Nowadays, research has shown that this concept of the rational behaving by consumers is not working. Consumers are constantly influenced by many different factors that drive them to make decisions that are totally against all rational behavior and logical thinking. What is more, as there are many different stimuli which influence consumers behavior, both on conscious and unconscious level. As a result, in response to different determinant, there can be observed both new trends in consumer behavior, but also many consumer misbehaviors. Consumer misbehavior can be described as behavioral acts of consumers, which violate the generally accepted norms of conduct in consumption situations. Both consumers and companies are not always aware of abnormal consumption behaviors which still develop and evolve along with modern consumption determinants which are very complex and constantly changing in quick pace. As a result, the aim of this paper is to identify the trends which influence modem consumer behavior and characterize the changes in consumer behavior which were caused by it throughout last years as well as describe misbehaviors which appeared and can be observed in modern consumer behavior. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
- University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
- University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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