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2011 | 58 | nr 1 | 29-61
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Polska i Polacy w poglądach Adolfa Hitlera (1919-1945)

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Adolf Hitler's views on Poland and Poles (1919-1945)
Języki publikacji
W opracowaniu omówiono kilka okresów w kształtowaniu się stosunku Hitlera do spraw polskich. Mniej więcej do końca lat 20. XX w. wódz NSDAP zajmował się nimi na ogół raczej sporadycznie i zupełnie okazjonalnie, np. w związku z wojną polsko-bolszewicką oraz powstaniami śląskimi. Nie przywiązywał przy tym żadnej szczególnej wagi do tych kwestii, koncentrując się przede wszystkim na wypracowaniu generalnych założeń nazistowskiej polityki zagranicznej. (fragment tekstu)
In shaping the attitude of Adolf Hitler towards Poland and Polish issues a few stages can be distinguished. Until about the end of the twenties of the 20th century he was interested in this matter only occasionally and intermittently, for example in connection with the Polish-Bolshevik war and Silesian Uprisings. He did not attach special importance to these issues, being involved in elaboration of the general principles of the Nazi foreign policy. But about the mid-twenties one of the main aims of that policy - besides defining the attitude towards France, Great Britain, Italy and the USA - was conquering territory in Eastern Europe. Hitler's ideas concerning this matter were connected with his critical opinions on communism and Soviet Russia. In the twenties and even later Poland was mainly seen in that context. His views on our country were a consequence of assumed principles of the Eastern Policy ("Ostpolitik"). Practically, until the late thirties Hitler did not refer to principles aiming to revision of the Versailles Order, which was characteristic of many German politicians in the period of Weimar Republic. Near the beginning of the thirties the next stage of Hitler's views on Polish matters could be observed. Its feature was rather positive than negative treatment of these issues. Then the first contacts between Hitler or other Nazi leaders and representatives of the Polish authorities took place. Both sides aimed to improve the relations between Germany and Poland. As Chancellor of the Third Reich Hitler was trying to gain Poland as an ally in realization of his plans of conquering the East. Obviously, his trials were unsuccessful. Just before the outbreak of the war his statements and opinions on Poland and Poles became sharp (a more and more impudent claim to mark out the corridor on Pomerania, a division of Upper Silesia etc.). After September 1, 1939, Poland was treated by Hitler as a Germany's enemy and Poles (and other Slavs) as submen ("Untermenschen"). According to Hitler, the Germans should rule them ruthlessly, tending to annihilation of these nations. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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Opis fizyczny
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