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Legislation protecting intellectual property constitutes a distinct field of law, differently governing institutions associated with the ownership of copyright, types of authors' rights and possibility of their transfer. In the opinion of the author, that area, through its different regulation of institutions whose manners of protection and understanding seem to have long been established (such as ownership), requires special attention of entrepreneurs. That is due to the fact that, under the copyright law, the transfer is possible solely for the author's economic rights, whereas the author's moral rights shall always remain with the author as his or her subjective rights. Moreover, the author may demand a remuneration increase when a contract has already been performed, and, finally, the sufferer has a much greater possibility to pursue his or her claims (in terms of their value). In the opinion of the author, all those elements discussed on the example of the case study presented in the text indicate the "self-sufficiency" and efficacy of copyright law institutions in the assessment of socio-economic relations occurring in virtual reality and relating, in particular, to local communities with their essential intensity of interpersonal relations. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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