Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Business Information Systems Security
Języki publikacji
W czasach gospodarki opartej na Internecie bezpieczeństwo systemów informatycznych jest coraz ważniejsze a narzędzia jego zapewnienia coraz bardziej złożone. W artykule dokonano przeglądu typowych zagrożeń i najpopularniejszych metod obrony oraz aktualnych tendencji w zarządzaniu ryzykiem w tym zakresie. Zwrócono uwagę na nowe niebezpieczeństwa związane z otwartymi formatami danych i aktywnymi stronami internetowymi. (fragment tekstu)
As the world becomes more interconnected, organizations are feeling a greater need for network security. With an understanding of risk tolerance, organizations can prioritize cybersecurity activities, and make rational decisions about expenditures. Network security must provide five important services: access, confidentiality, authentication, integrity, nonrepudiation. Common internet attacks methods are broken down into categories: eavesdropping, viruses, worms, trojans, pishing, spoofing, Denial of Service. Different defense and detection mechanisms were developed to deal with these attacks: cryptographic systems, firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, anti-malware software, Secure Socket Layer. Advance authentication employs the use of following factors: something you know (e.g. password), something you have (e.g. hard token), something you are (e.g. biometric). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Społeczna Akademia Nauk
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- Ellison R. J. (2013), Security and Project Management, (2013), US Department of Homeland Security, August 06, 2013.
- Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, (2014), National Institute of Standards and Technology, February 12, 2014.
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- Priyank S., Kreena M., Shikha S. (2013), Network Security, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013.
- Pruitt M. (2013), Security Best Practices for IT Project Managers, SANS Institute Reading Room, June 18, 2013.
- Rashmi, Sahoo G., Mehfuz S., (2013) Securing Software as a Service Model of Cloud Computing: Issues and Solutions, International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture (IJCCSA) ,Vol.3, No.4, August 2013.
- Shullich R. (2011), Risk Assessment of Social Media, SANS Institute Reading Room.
- State of the Net 2010, (2010), June 2010 Consumer Report Magazine.
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