26 Wiejskie Obszary Peryferyjne - uwarunkowania i czynniki aktywizacji = Peripheral Rural Areas - Conditions and Factors Stimulating to Activity
Tytuł artykułu
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Models of Rural Development in Germany at the German-Polish Border
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono modele rozwoju obszarów wiejskich niemiecko-polskiej strefy przygranicznej. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na instrumenty planistyczne i mechanizmy oddziaływania UE, Republiki Federalnej Niemiec oraz kraju związkowego Brandenburgii. Następnie przybliżono współpracę transgraniczną organizacji pozarządowych. Pracę oparto na literaturze przedmiotu, ekspertyzach i opracowaniach planistycznych oraz badaniach ankietowych przeprowadzonych w lutym 2011 r.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The article presents models of rural development in the German-Polish border area. Special attention was paid to the planning instruments and the mechanisms of the influence of EU, the state of Germany and the Bundesland Brandenburg. Moreover, cross-border cooperation of NGOs was discussed. In the framework of the joint planning of the two federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, a model of spatial development based on "a system of central cities" was introduced. This model assumes that the central city and its surroundings form the so-called nearer area of inter-linkages through the polycentric development of the country. The development of a region is polycentric, that is, it not only focuses on urban areas, but also includes the entire planning area. A regional model of development, based on the "reinforce the strong one" rule was introduced. For this purpose, Regional Growth Centres in Brandenburg were established. On their sites research centres, trade and service and business are concentrated. Another instrument to support economic development is the creation of 16 economic zones in rural areas of Brandenburg. These zones are expected to support the development of the following industries: tourism, agriculture and forestry, power engineering and biotechnology.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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