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Influence of Creative Industries of Financial Instrument
Języki publikacji
Jak wynika z rozlicznych opracowań, w ostatnim czasie sektory kreatywne zyskują na znaczeniu. Mają one wysoki poziom zysków, przyczyniają się do rozwoju zatrudnienia oraz - jak wskazuje opracowanie DB Research - są do pewnego stopnia odporne na wpływ wahań rynku, a nawet kryzys. Ze względu na to rozwój tych sektorów jest szczególnie ważny dla gospodarki. Wysoki potencjał pociąga jednak za sobą również wysokie ryzyko, przy równoczesnej wysokiej kapitałochłonności. Utrudnia to pozyskiwanie środków pieniężnych z podstawowych źródeł. W ten sposób na rynku finansowym pojawia się luka produktowa. Odpowiedzią na zapotrzebowanie na nowe instrumenty finansowe są działania mające na celu dostosowanie venture capital oraz stworzenie zupełnie nowego instrumentu, jakim jest crowdfunding.(fragment tekstu)
Creative industries (CI) was define by J. Hawkings as economic activity based on knowledge and information. R. Florida define it as an utilization of knowledge as an instrument to create new thing. British government define CI as 13 sectors of economy: advertisement, architecture, art, computer games, design, handcraft, fashion, film and video, music, theater, publishing, software, radio and TV. Based on report of international institution such as UN, UNESCO, European Commission and reputable research center as Deutsche Bank we can say that importance of development of creative industries is high and it will increase. In report of European Commission "The Impact of Culture on Creative" we can find out that by now in creative industries are employed 6 million people which is 3% (date on 2009) of all population of European Union and growth in this industries is increased by 12% more than in the rest of economy. A specially after the world financial crisis fact that as we can read in Deutsche Bank analysis creative industries is more proof on crisis then the rest of economy. This facts are improve the importance of the creative industries. Independently from importance of this industries the enterprises have difficulty with external financing. Basic financial product as credit are unattainable for most of creative companies because of high risk of their activity. So if creative industries are very important for economy how to finance them? Finance sector try to find the solution of this problem. At first in the 90' the financial instrument - Venture Capital (VC) - was adapted to the creative industries. As R. Florida indicates utilization of VC increase 100 times from 1990 to 2000, after the adaptation. However adaptation of VC was not good enough for creative industries because entrepreneur lost some part of independency which is very important for entrepreneur in creative industries. Financial sector need to find a new instrument which will be suitable for the CI. In 2010 was invent new way of finance the high risk investment - crowdfunding. In new instrument the risk is diffuse to many investors and the entrepreneur have all independence. Crowdfunding is a new instrument but becomes more popular instrument. As T. Dapp present in "Crowdfunding: An alternative source of funding with potential" in 2012 by crowdfunding was funded project of the total value of 2,7 billion $ and in forcats in 2013 5,1 billion $(author's abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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