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The results of quantitative analyses do not leave any doubts that the situation of workers with fixed-term contracts, measured for instance by the amount of income or frequency of unemployment spells, is much worse than the situation of people with open-ended employment contracts. However, what results from the thoroughly conducted statistical analyses does not translate into subjectively perceived differentiation of statuses that are perceptible under qualitative research. Firstly, we have to do not only with absence of articulated status differentiations, but simply with acceptance of the current state of affairs as something common and normal (hypothesis 1). Secondly (hypothesis 2), the labour law does not establish privileges on the basis of the nature of an employment contract, and work experience of the workers with fixed-term contracts unambiguously indicates that their position and relations within the structure of labour relationships in an enterprise do not differ at all from those of people with open-ended contracts. Third (hypothesis 3), the assessments made by persons employed on the basis of fixed-term contracts are referred to a great extent to the status of the unemployed, who are the actual "losers" of changes made under the transformation. Fourth (hypothesis 4), the acceptance of the underemployed status results from the commonly shared belief that an efficient economy has to be based on competition, and flexible forms of employment after all represent one of the essential elements thereof. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
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