Tytuł artykułu
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The Multifactor Analysis of Consumer Preferences of Regional Products
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono metodę badania preferencji konsumentów - analizę conjoint, wyniki opracowano i omówiono na przykładzie konsumentów żywności regionalnej. Celem artykułu było opracowanie profilu produktu oraz wyznaczenie charakterystyk opisujących potencjalnych nabywców. (fragment tekstu)
The consumer preferences are the main issue in the study of their behavior on the market. Consumers makes of such elections to maximize the benefits achieved with the existing budget constraints. All choices are made individual preferences, tastes, habits, which are called preferences. Conjoint analysis is based on the decomposition of the overall desirability of the product, which is described by means of the selected attributes. The decomposition is performed by measuring the total preferences are considered the dependent variable and is identified with the total utility. Model is a model of consumer attitudes compensation, which means that the buyer in their assessments compensates unattractive product attributes its attributes attractive. The article presents a method of testing conjoint analysis of consumer preferences, and the results were discussed on the example of regional food consumers. The final result of analysis is developed profile of the product and the designated characteristics describing potential buyers. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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