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The main objective of this paper is to describe and compare the impact of two factors: competitive strategy (analyzed mainly through marketing-mix tools) and sector-specific determinants (i.e. industry type), on success perception of Polish born globals. The statistical analysis (SPSS) has been applied to the original data set obtained from 256 Polish SMEs through a questionnaire and CATI technique. The outcomes have been evaluated against three hypotheses. Our research revealed that unlike the born globals from highly developed countries, the success perception of decision makers from Polish early internationalized firms is only weakly affected by the industry type. The decision makers strongly support the statement that the success of their firms depends on competitive strategy and marketing tools which they apply. The answer to the basic research problem is that competitive strategy plays more important role than sector-specific determinants in success perception of Polish early internationalized firms. (original abstract)
- Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
- Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
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