Warianty tytułu
Penitentiary Politics in Poland and Foreign Experiences
Języki publikacji
Neoliberalizm jest współcześnie jedną z najważniejszych teorii społecznych i politycznych, ideologią oraz praktyką rządzenia państwem. Za Lorną Mason możemy opisać neoliberalizm jako przekonanie, że "tworzenie wolnych i otwartych rynków oraz brak lub minimalna regulacja rynków dóbr i kapitału przyczynia się do podnoszenia się poziomu życia wszystkich mieszkańców" . Państwo neoliberalne, czyli państwo rządzone przez polityków o przekonaniach neoliberalnych, prowadzi politykę zorientowaną na zabezpieczenie wolności rynku i stymulację wzrostu gospodarczego. (fragment tekstu)
At the time of supremacy in command and distribution economy the political system was often referred to as a police state (that is the term Maria Łoś, Adam Podgórecki and A. Zybertowicz use in their publications). In this context political transformation can be referred to as a privatization process of the police state. However the connection between the police state and socialistic economy is not that obvious, because at the same time, other countries have as well went through economic and political changes, known as the expansion of the police state (e.g. USA and other West European countries). The aim of our research and analyses is the change in chasing criminals and punishing them by taking them into custody or a penitentiary. Loďc Wacquant a sociologist of French and American origin, popularized the term of criminalization of social issues. He showed that in the USA criminal and penitentiary politics is a way of fighting with unemployment and a tool of class control. He claimed that the punishing neoliberal state model of was transferred to many other West European countries. Through our article we want to show to what extend the model in question was implemented in Poland. In other words, we want to answer the following questions: 1) Has the paternalistic and marketing hybrid meaningfully changed in terms of punishment politics (criminal and penitentiary politics)? 2) Have all the changes in punishment patterns within the last decade in Poland developed through the same neoliberal model used in the USA and the majority of West European countries in the 90s and the first decade of the 21st century? 3) What is the characteristics of populations inprisoned in penitentiaries within the last decade, including their previous job market activities and education level? Answering the above questions will allow us to generalize about the model of social politics executed in our country in the transformation period. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
- Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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