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2014 | 2 | nr 4 Logistics Management | 115-131
Tytuł artykułu

Diagnosis of Compatibility of a Network-Based Organization's Values With Employees' Personal Values

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Języki publikacji
Compatibility of values in network-based organisation is diagnosed in this article. It was theoretically grounded that compatibility of values between values declared and cherished by network-based organisation and employees' personal values is very important for ensuring successful existence of network-based organization. Such compatibility of values in network-based organisation in Klaipeda city (in Lithuania) development strategy shall ensure fair employment of urban residents, competitive ability of employees in the market as well as other social problems are being solved. Quantitative research comprised interviews with 221 respondents in Klaipeda network-based trade organisation "IKI". Based on the research results, it was determined what common values an organisation and employees do share in the level of organisational behaviour. Spiritual and moral values, which are allied to cherishing of social responsibility, are mostly cherished in network-based organization "IKI". Meanwhile, social and economic values shall dominate mostly among employees' personal values. No occupational values were mentioned among 10 of the most important values. Such analysis of values' compatibility shall form main values, on which organisation's strategy, education plans and practise are based. Application of purposeful policy of employees' value-based orientation in education companies, solving problems of leadership and more increasing level of congruence between values of network-based organisation and employees' personal values were offered to improve the situation. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Klaipeda University, Lithuania
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