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2014 | 2 | nr 4 Logistics Management | 101-114
Tytuł artykułu

Example of Rational Modal Split in the Transport Network - Technical and Economic Issues

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Języki publikacji
In recent decades, almost all over the world, the issue of sustainable development has been strongly promoted in the transport policy. Initially, it applied chiefly to creating specific documents defining basic terms, for instance Brundtland Report (UN Documents 1987). In further years, documents containing more specific guidelines started to be developed focusing on directions for developing transport systems and activities to be implemented to achieve the goal of sustainable transport. At the moment, there are a number of official guiding or mandatory documents in the field, for example White Papers (COM(2001)370; COM(2006)314; COM(2011)144) and communications (including COM(2013); SEC(2009)). The idea of sustainable development of transport expressed in those documents is gradually realized in the form of EU supported projects. The article focuses on modal split in the transport network while using basic decision-making process facilitation methods; an activity which aims at making transport development sustainable. The proposed method provides a holistic approach to the transport network, as a structure comprising specific coherent space regimes undergoing continuous interaction. Modal split is optimized in all those space regimes, whereas the splitting procedure itself is presented using an example. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  • Silesian University of Technology, Poland
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