Warianty tytułu
Ludwig Feuerbach's Humanist Thought
Języki publikacji
Omówiono zagadnienie humanizmu w twórczości i filozofii L. Feuerbacha.
Ludwig Feuerbach, referring to M. Luther's times and views as well as to the whole trend of "spontaneous" humanism (as observed in, e.g. modern art), created humanism as a fully developed and consistent theory. The condition enabling the emergence of the work was transforming theocentric subjectivity into anthropocentric one. Criticism of religious alienation as a cognitive error, due to which the man lost himself as the subject, lost his greatness and his freedom, became the basis for criticism of religion. Criticism of religion, undertaken from outside, treating it as the subject of theoretical and cognitive considerations, makes L. Feuerbach the creator of modern science and theory of religion. The criticism discovers that the man created religion and not the other way round. Man is the essence of God, anthropology is the essence of theology. Homo homini Deus est. Feuerbach finishes the "criticism of the heaven" with the "praise of the earth". He discovers religious alienation and its depreciating role for the man. Yet, he does not understand that alienation itself has its causes which have to be discovered. Thus, the "criticism of the heaven" has to lead to the "criticism of the earth", the criticism of historical and social relations which continuously give birth to religious alienation and spiritual poverty.
Opis fizyczny
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