Warianty tytułu
Postindustrial Society
Języki publikacji
Szczegółowo scharakteryzowano nowy rodzaj społeczeństwa jakim jest społeczeństwo postindustrialne. Wyjaśniono termin oraz omówiono podstawowe cechy tegoż społeczeństwa oraz zwrócono uwagę na jej wymiary: społeczny, kulturowy i moralny.
At some point following World War II a new kind of society began to emerge - variously described as postindustrial society, multinational capitalism, consumer society, media society. New types of consumption, an even more rapid rhythm of fashion and styling changes; the penetration of advertising, television and the media generally to a hitherto unparalleled degree throughout society; the replacement of the old tension between city and country, center and province, by the suburb and by the universal standardisation; the growth of the great networks of superhighways and the arrival of automobile culture - these are some of the features which would seem to mark a radical break with the older pre-war society in which high modernism was still an underground force. Some features of postindustrial society, as follow: Economics is based on a service economy. Society will give pre-eminence to a professional and technical elite and will be based on a reinvigorated meritocracy. Society will be based on the axial principle: the centrality of theoretical knowledge as the source of innovation and policy formulation. Control of technology and technology assessment will be based on future orientation. Decisions will be made by experts; an "intellectual technocracy" will emerge. Politics will be served by the idea of privatisation - that the market takes care of everything. A new Durkheimian Gemeinschaft will eliminate modernism and narcissism, resulting in a culture tied to the Protestant work ethic. A new round in the two-culture debate will take place between marginalized humanist intellectuals and the new knowledge elites; there will be an increasing division and opposition between "the technological intelligentsia who are committed to functional rationality and technocratic modes of operation and the literary intellectuals who have become increasingly apocalyptic, hedonistic, and nihilistic. (original abstract) (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Ashley D.: History Without a Subject. The Postmodern Condition. Westview Press 1997.
- Bartos O.J.: Postmodernism, Postindustrialism and the Future. "Sociological Quarterly", vol. 37 (1996), No 2, s. 307-325.
- Buadrillard J.: Fatal Strategies. Ttum. P. Beitchman & W.G.I. Niesluchowski, Semiotext(e)/Pluto, New York 1990.
- Bauman Z.: Effacing the Face: On the Social Management of Moral Proximity. "Theory, Culture & Society", vol. 7 (1990), s. 5-38.
- Bauman Z.: Intimations of Postmodemity. Routledge, London 1992.
- Bell D.: The Cultural Contradiction of Capitalism. Harper & Row 1976.
- Bell D.: The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. Harper & Row 1996.
- Bell D.: The Disjunctions of Cultural Discourse. W: S. Lash (ed.): Post-Structuralist and Post-Modernist Sociology. Edward ESgax Publishing Company, Aldershot, Brookfield 1991, s.328-362.
- Berking H.: Solidary Individualism: the Moral Impact of Cultural Modernisation in Late Modernity. W: S. Lash, B. Szerszynski, B. Wynne (eds.): Risk, Environment and Modernity. Sage Publications 1996.
- Bertens H.: The Idea of the Postmodern. A History. Routledge 1995.
- Best S., Kellner D.: The Postmodern Turn. Guilford Press, New York 1997.
- Dickens D.R.: North American Theories of Postmodern Culture. W: D.R. Dickens, A. Fontana (eds.): Postmodernism and Social Inquiry. Foreword by F. Dallmayr, UCL Press, London 1994, s. 76-100.
- Dunn R.G.: Identity Crises. A Social Critique of Postmodernism. University of Minnesota Press 1998.
- Featherslone M.: Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity. Sage 1995.
- Harvey D.: The Condition of Postmodernity. An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change. Basil Blackwell 1989.
- Hebdige D.: Hiding in the Light. Routledge 1988.
- Jameson F.: Postmodernism and Consumer Society. W: H. Foster: Postmodern Culture. Pluto Press, London 1995.
- Hollinger R.: Postmodernism and the Social Sciences. A Thematic Approach. Sage, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi 1994.
- Krisban K.: From Post-Industrial to Post-Modem Society: New Theories of the Contemporary World. Blackwell 1995.
- Kung H.: Why We Need a Global Ethic. W: Ch. Jencks (ed.): The Post-modem Reader. Academy Editions, London 1991, s. 409-416.
- Lyon D.: Postmodernity. Open University Press 1994.
- Poster M.: The Mode of Information. Poststniciuralism and Social Context. The University of Chicago Press 1990.
- Ritzer G.: Postmodern Social Theory. McGraw-Hill, London 1997.
- Rose M.A.: The Post-modern and the Post-industrial. A Critical Analysis. Cambridge University Press 1991.
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