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The aim of this article is to show a law tax harmonization process in a situation of a growing economic integration of member countries of European Union. In the article particular emphasis was laid on the course of a process of adapting Polish law system in the field of indirect taxes to the rules valid in the European Union. The reasoning of particular actions and negotiation moves were explained - both on Polish and European side. The process is complex, long and difficult. However, there is a field for negotiations - The basis for the article were literature studies. Author is not the first one that is dealing with the subject. Literature in this matter is convergent in assessments and analysis of changes in case of tax harmonization. Most of authors, like Brzeziński, Głuchowski and Kosikowski [1998] or Kawecka-Wyrzykowska [2004] in their publications emphasize that the harmonization process is difficult and long. However it is inevitable to create conditions for the functioning of the common market in the EU. There are possibilities to negotiate unique solutions or transitory periods. Author concentrated on Value Added Tax (VAT) and all details concerning the process of its harmonization. (original abstract)
- Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
- Arndt, H-W. (1998), Europarecht, Heidelberg, p. 122.
- Brzeziński, B., Głuchowski, J., Kosikowski, C. (1998), Harmonizacja prawa podatkowego Unii Europejskiej i Polski, PWE, Warszawa, p. 117.
- Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, E., Synowiec, E. (scientific edition) (2004), Polska w Unii Europejskiej. Tom II, Instytut Koniunktur i Cen Handlu Zagranicznego, Warszawa.
- Kawecka-Wyrzykowska, E., Synowiec, E. (scientific edition) (2004), Unia Europejska. Tom I, Instytut Koniunktur i Cen Handlu Zagranicznego, Warszawa.
- Kuntze, C. (1998), Die Kompetenzen der EG auf dem Gebiet des Steuerrechts, Frankfurt a. M, p. 88.
- Makowicz, B. (2004), Harmonizacja podatków bezpośrednich w Unii Europejskiej, Studia Europejskie nr 2/2004, s. 91.
- Maruchin, W. (1998), VAT - harmonizacja polskiego prawa podatkowego z prawem Unii Europejskiej, Diffin, Warszawa, s. 34, 102, 142.
- Suwalski, K. (2009), Harmonizacja podatkowa w procesie integracji krajów UE - zarys problemu (w:) Integracja gospodarcza w rozszerzonej UE: od wolnego handlu do unii walutowej = Economic integration in the EU enlarged: from free trade towards monetarny union, Prace naukowe Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, p. 147.
- Voss, R. (2003), Kommentar zum EWG-Vertag, Mûnchen, art. 93, footnote 1.
-$file/10_podatki.pdf?Open:10. Poland's negotiation position TAXATION, 2001.
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