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Institutional model of corporate strategies
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Prezentowany w niniejszym artykule model decyzji inwestycyjnych korporacji oparto na pojęciu strategii, określanej na sposób behawioralny, jako zbiór zachowań. Decyzje inwestycyjne w modelu są racjonalne lecz nieoptymalne, podejmowane są w warunkach ryzyka, w wyniku kolektywnego procesu moderacji obiektywnych konfliktów interesów między interesariuszami korporacji. Dla formalizacji modelu wykorzystano nowatorskie połączenie trzech nagrodzonych ekonomiczną Nagrodą Nobla teorii gier: dynamicznej równowagi Johna Nasha, gier z niedoskonałą informacją Johna Harsanyiego oraz gry ekstensywnej Reinharda Seltena. (fragment tekstu)
The present paper presents a model of investment decisions made by corporations. The decisions in question are perceived as part of corporate strategies, defined in a behavioural way. The model attempts to integrate the classical microeconomics' point of view with that of the new institutional economics, formalizing the resulting assumptions on the grounds of three theories of games: Selten's, Harsanyi's and Nash's. Corporate strategies are defined as a set of four games: the capital market game, the corporate governance game, the product markets game and the social responsibility game. The four games are played in parallel and in mutual interaction, each of them being a temporarily normalized sub-game of the Selten's extensive game with imperfect recall, and being played as a Harsanyi's game with imperfect information and various degrees of cooperation. In each of the four games the presence of Nash's dynamic equilibrium, manifested as a critical level of consistency in individual players' strategies, is of crucial importance. In presence of Nash's dynamic equilibrium, corporations orient their behaviour towards development, technological progress included. In the absence of Nash's dynamic equilibrium corporations would orient their strategies exclusively on managing risk. (original abstract)
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