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Ethics of Responsibility and Holistic Medicine
Języki publikacji
The relativistic models of the political nature cannot fulfil the indispensable criteria of the ethical dimension of the trans-modern era. If we need a wider definition of bio-ethics we have to answer three basic questions and such people need to live a moral life and make good ethical decisions. What are my obligations concerning recruitment of different people whose life can depend on my actions? How can I contribute to serve common good for the good public interest as the member of society? Then they will have to answer the questions and be responsible for bio-policy. Bio-policy in the bioethic dimensions will have to offer the global society of the all-European system of the rational connection to save the mankind from extinction on Earth. You will have to create and carry out supranational projects to eliminate people's destructive behaviours. Relativistic political models are not able to fulfil the necessary ethical dimension of the transmodern society by their fundamentals. If more widely defined bioethics has to answer three basic questions: What personality should I be to live a moral life and take good ethical decisions?; What are my obligations and duties towards other people whose lives can be influenced by my activity?; How can I, as a member of the society, contribute to a common wealth or common interest? Then these questions should be answered also by a responsible biopolitician. Holistic or whole person medicine perceives a personality of a patient within bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions. This view requires a favourable all-society climate and tolerance. Chinese traditional philosophy with its responsibility for life in the context of minimalist multicultural ethos may be incentive individual metaphysical heritage also for a Slovak politician, voter, heatlh worker, and patient. The naturo-dialectical philosophy of life of the classical Chinese social conscience speaks about ethical principles and morality of meek obedience of a man towards the laws of nature and the universe of haven as about a life regulating macroorganism, an internal part of which a man is, too. The ideals of harmonious unity and mutual modesty emphasise the ideal of accentuation of all-society interests over the interests of an individual. The systemic view perceives the world on the base of relationships and integration, the cohesion of live organisms is non-linear, therefore the live organisms work in unbalance with autoregulation. This characteristic applies to biopsyche as well as to a socio-cultural level. The holistic approach to health and healing draws on traditional cultures, e.g. on the phenomenon of medicine-men practice. The East Asian model of health consists in the integration of the psychological and social factors into the system of health care, it calculates for the model of the dynamic balance. The future system of health care should consist in an effective system of preventive health care adopting a personal and social responsibility for health. The health care policy should include the legislation for prevention of health risks and also the social policy. A profound ecological perceptivity, observation and education are the preconditions for the application of the political model on the base of the global biopolitics. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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