Warianty tytułu
Szkolnictwo wyższe jako element międzynarodowej potęgi państwa w epoce wiedzy
Języki publikacji
Artykuł zawiera analizę współczesnych, transnarodowych aspektów szkolnictwa wyższego. Odpowiada na pytanie, w jaki sposób państwa przystosowują się do globalnych zmian związanych z transformacją od gospodarki industrialnej do gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. W jaki sposób państwa posługują się swoim szkolnictwem wyższym jako narzędziem polityki zagranicznej? W jaki sposób państwa budują i wykorzystują swoje systemy szkolnictwa wyższego jako zasób potęgi w stosunkach międzynarodowych? Zidentyfi kowano trzy główne strategie państw w tych obszarach: po pierwsze, współpraca mająca na celu obopólne korzyści; po drugie, konkurencja o talenty oraz konkurencja między systemami; po trzecie, szkolnictwo wyższe jako element handlu międzynarodowego. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Higher education has important transnational dimensions that exist within the scope of the discipline of international relations. Globalization has been intensifying those dimensions - firstly from the point of view of the changes economies are experiencing, and secondly from the point of view of cultural encounters. Higher education has become especially important during the current transition from an industry-based to a knowledge-based economy. Indeed, knowledge and key competencies - such as problem solving, the capacity for critical, analytical, and creative thinking, along with teamwork - are becoming the very conditions for innovations. The capacity to innovate is crucial in global competition, as it decides who will be in the new center, the peripheries, and the semi-peripheries. The increasing focus on knowledge generates new and intensifi es already existing transnational interactions, thereby bringing into relief various power dimensions. Power is one of the focal points of research in international relations (IR) studies. Yet, none of the leading authorities has shown systematically either how higher education can be an element of transnational interactions, or what power dimensions those processes reveal. This paper, referring to both the relational, process-oriented concept of power and the static one, based on resources, addresses that blind spot. (original abstract)
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- G. Jones, P. McCamey, M. Skolnik (eds.) Creating Knowledge: Strengthening Nations: The Changing Role of Higher Education, Toronto 2005.
- D. Bloorn, Raising the Pressure: Globalization and the Need for Higher Education Reform, in: G. Jones, P. McCamey, M. Skolnik (eds.), Creating Knowledge....
- P. Bourdieu, La Reproduction. Elements pour une theorie du systeme d'enseignement, Paris 1970;
- P. Bourdieu, La noblesse d'etat: grandes ecoles et esprit de corps, Paris 1989.
- R.F. Butts, A Cultural History of Western Education. Its Social and Intellectual Foundations, New York 1955.
- EFA Global Monitoring Report, UNESCO, Paris 2005, p. 192.
- K. Martens, Boomerangs and Trojan Horses: The Unintended Conseąuences of Internationalising Education Policy Through the EU and OECD, European University tnstitute, Firenze 2006-2007 European Forum Series;
- T.M. Porter, Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life, Princeton 1995;
- O. Lowenheim, Examining the State: A Foucauldian Perspective on International Governance Indicators, "Third World Quarterly" 2005, no. 2, pp. 255-274;
- H. Krause-Hansen, The Power of Performance Indices in the Global Politics of Anty-Corruption, "Journal of International Relations and Development" 2012, vol. 15, pp. 506-531;
- H. Krause-Hansen, A. Miihlen-Schulte, The Power of Numbers in Global Governance, "Journal of International Relations and Development" 2012, vol. 15, pp. 455-465;
- T. Fougner, Neoliberal Governance of States: The Role of Competitiveness Indexing and Benchmarking, "Millennium: Journal of International Studies" 2008, no. 2, pp. 303-326.
- S. Vincent-Lacrin, What is Changing in Academic Research? Trends and Prospects, Higher Education to 2030, Vol. 2: Globalisation, OECD Publishing, Paris 2009.
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