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The Description of Ecological Farms in the Federal Republic of Germany
Języki publikacji
W Republice Federalnej Niemiec gospodarstwa ekologiczne muszą mieć stosowny atest, wydany przez odpowiednie związki rolników prowadzących produkcję metodami ekologicznymi. Wydanie atestu poprzedzone jest kontrolą w zakresie przestrzegania wymagań sformułowanych w odpowiednich wytycznych. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie tempa rozwoju i tworzenia gospodarstw ekologicznych w Niemczech, ich charakterystycznych cech organizacyjnych oraz uzyskanych rezultatów produkcyjnych i ekonomicznych. Znajomość tych doświadczeń może być pomocna naszym uczonym i rolnikom, zainteresowanym metodami produkcji rolnictwa ekologicznego.(fragment tekstu)
Ecological agriculture has become a new field of economy due to extensive production archived by using industrial products such as artificial fertilizer and pesticide. The increse in application of those products leads up to excessive burden being carried by the natural environment. Ecological argriculture mainly use the natural conditions and methods of production. The article contains the description of typical qualities belonging to the ecological farms in comparison to those which apply the conventional production methods. Despite the active promotion steps, the number of such farms doesn't grow significantly. They are as much as 0,5 % of all the farms in the FRG and their share in all the argicultural production amounts to 1%. The ecological farms have larger area as compared to the conventional farms and their expenditure of work is higher too. They also use more effective rotation of crops (for example, by growing pea plants) but breed fewer domestic animals than the conventional farms. They raise cows, mostly milk cows. Also, yieled of basic agricultural products and unit output of animals are 20-50% lower in the ecological farms. However, the owners of such farms are paid higher prices for their products (around 100%). The range and structure of costs of the farms differ greatly too. The ecological farms are known for much lower costs of pesticide, artificial fertilizer and the feeding stuff sold. But they complain about heavier cost of hired working force. As compared to the traditional agricultural farms, the ecological farms bring in lower income. The author of the paper views that the owners of such farms prefer other group of values (rather non-economic motives) than most farmers. (original abstract)
- Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
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