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Wybrane aspekty promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy w Republice Czeskiej
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Promocja zdrowia w miejscu pracy jest obecnie nowym trendem na świecie. W Republice Czeskiej pracownicy służby zdrowia oraz badacze bardziej zdają sobie sprawę z jej znaczenia niż pracodawcy. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena wybranych aspektów (dominujące zagadnienia zdrowotne, główne czynniki, studia przypadku) zastosowania koncepcji promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy na poziomie instytucjonalnym i pracodawcy. Artykuł oparty jest na analizie instytucjonalnej oraz procesowej programowego zastosowania promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy, na jej związku z administracją i samozarządzaniem, a także na związku promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy z programami stosowanymi w sferze biznesu. (abstrakt oryginalny)
BACKGROUND: Worksite Health Promotion (WHP) is currently an emerging trend round the world. In the Czech Republic its importance is more realized by professionals and researchers in the field of health promotion, than by employers. OBJECTIVES: Aim of this publication is evaluation of chosen aspects (prevailing health issues, main drivers, case studies) of application of WHP concept from institutional and employers level. METHODS: The article is based on institutional and process analysis of programs application of WHP, its link to administration and self-administration, as well as the connection of WHP with applied programs in business sphere. The synthesis of information includes economic stimuli, legislative support and the internal employer's incentives on the current state of WHP in the Czech Republic. The results of research are based on the data from the Czech Statistic Office, primary and secondary data from administration and local-government and selected case studies of large Czech businesses. RESULTS: The opportunity to improve the current situation can be achieved by measures, aiming to improve the awareness of WHP programs (public education), strong arguments (social, medical, economic) not only in business sphere but also in public sphere, including publishing of research findings from, in particular, EU countries. WHP in Czech Republic also lacks legislative framework and incentives and therefore it will be put in background as facultative in the time of economic crisis (government deficits, risky company finance, etc.). CONCLUSIONS: The current worksite health promotion in the Czech Republic is characterized by: - low awareness of citizens and companies about WHP programs and health and economic results of their implementation, - weak tradition; preference of common medical preventive programs for health promotion (preventive checkups, vaccination etc..), - cheap labor, higher unemployment rate, which results in low care for employees legally not - insufficient incentive in the legislative based stimulus for health and sickness insurance (discounts, tax deductions, bonuses etc.). (original abstract)
- Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
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