Warianty tytułu
Depreciation as an internal source of financing; methods of depreciation and problems.
Języki publikacji
w opracowaniu omówiono metody amortyzacji środków trwałych oraz wartości niematerialnych i prawnych będącej źródłem finansowania wewnętrznego, stwarzającej "osłonę podatkową" przedsiębiorcom z tytułu bezpośredniego wpływu na koszty uzyskania przychodów. (fragment tekstu)
Depreciation is the internal source of financing. In my article I have described methods of depreciation and its influence on costs and taxes. Carried out simulations have proved that before making the decision of choosing method of depreciation, the businessman must consider the influence of depreciation on costs and taxes. The choice of the best method of depreciation is not easy because it is connected with the risk of economic business and the businessman must has the knowledge of complicated and variable law. This may cause many mistakes made by businessman, which may have impact on corporate income tax and may cause taxation control. The author of the article has asked the question about causes of such complications and variables of depreciation. The conclusion is that law should be clear and stable. The article has two parts. In the first part the author has analized the definition of depreciation and its economic sense as internal source of financing. In the second part the author has described methods and rates of depreciation and has made the simulations of depreciations of variable methods and means. The author has emphasised the sense of help called "de minims,"which is fundamental for small firms and the businessmen who has barely started their business. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA