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Place of Newly Industrialized Countries in Industrial Structure of Third World
Języki publikacji
Omówiono zmiany udziału przemysłu przetwórczego w produkcie narodowym brutto w latach 1960-1977. Przedstawiono głównych producentów i eksporterów w Krajach Trzeciego Świata.
Despite unfawourable conditions in the world economy in the last decade the dynamics of the development of the Third World countries was a little greater than in the industrialized countries, although the development was not equal in all countries. A closer analysis demonstrates that it occurred in few countries only (nine or twelve according to division criteria) the so-called newly industrialized countries: South Cores, Honkong, Singapore, India, Philippines, Argentine, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Malesia. It suffices to say that the listed countries accounted for over 70% of industrial production of all the developing countries and of industrial export og this group of states. A considerable group of countries has not made any significant progress in the process of industrialization. It concerns particularly African countries. Besides, countries of low per capita national income used more external sources of financing an investment activity than countries of middle income. The newly industrialized countries had in the entire decade of the 70s a considerably high savings rate and the rate of investment (25-35% of gross national income). It should be also said that these countries made use to a large extent of international crediting market (Brazil, Mexico, Argentine, South Corea) to finance part of their industrial investment which is reflected in an immense external indebtedness of those countries. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
- Industry 2000 - New Perspective, UNIDO, UN, New York 1979, s. 88.
- Manual de statistique du commerce international et du development, UNCTAD 1979, New York.
- Changes in Industrial Structure in the European Economics since the Oil Crisis 1973-1978, European Economy, Special Issue, October 1979.
- World Development Report, The World Bank, 1979.
- UNCTAD, "Commerce d'articles manufactures et semi-finis des pays et territoire en development 1978-1979", TD/B/C2/203 z 5 VI 1980 r.
- J. Lepmertiéré - "Les echanges sud-sud, progress et controdictions", Politique Etrangere 1981, nr 2.
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