Warianty tytułu
The Methods of Promoting Critical Editions - the Case of Dzieła Wszystkie by Cyprian Norwid
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy poddane zostaną analizie działania promocyjne prowadzone przez Instytut Badań nad Twórczością Cypriana Kamila Norwida Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego i Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL. Są to współwydawcy "Dzieł wszystkich" Norwida. (fragment tekstu)
Dzieła wszystkie of Cyprian Norwid is the first critical edition of the writings by Cyprian Norwid. For that reason, all the texts featured in the edition are to be accompanied by the critical apparatus including: editor's comments, lists of variants of the texts, and explanatory notes. The Institute for the Study of Norwid's Writings has conducted a promotional campaign, including a wide spectrum of actions e.g. organizing conferences and meetings, distribution of the publications, involving various media etc. Yet, however extensive, the aforementioned promotional activities are still regarded as insufficient. A nationwide campaign for promoting the critical edition ought to be launched. Its main objectives should be: reaching a larger audience, specifying the campaign slogan, and choosing the appropriate media. Still, to conduct such a campaign one is required to overcome such difficulties as: insufficient funding, irregular publishing frequency, high price of publications and a low number of potential consumers. It is, nonetheless, essential for Polish culture that such campaigns take place. This thesis discusses the methods of carrying out such a campaign.(original abstract)
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