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Greece's Debt Crisis and the Ways of Its Solution
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Początek 2010 r. przyniósł Unii Europejskiej nowe wyzwania, z których do najpoważniejszych należą grecki kryzys i spadek zaufania do wspólnej waluty euro. Kryzys grecki zbiegł się w czasie z powolnym wychodzeniem poszczególnych krajów UE z globalnego kryzysu finansowego. Aby zniwelować najbardziej dotkliwe skutki kryzysu finansowego, kraje UE musiały w 2009 r. udzielić wielomiliardowej pomocy sektorowi bankowemu. Natomiast od początku 2010 r. kraje strefy euro muszą - z powodu greckiego kryzysu - bronić wspólnej waluty, której atrakcyjność mierzona m.in. poziomem kursu wymiennego ostatnio spada. (fragment tekstu)
One of the biggest challenges for the whole European Union is Greece's debt crisis and declining trust in the common currency, euro. The roots of that crisis can be traced in 2001 when Greece, after presenting the illusionary data concerning its government deficit, rate of inflation and public indebtedness, became the 12th member of the eurozone. Already in the beginning of 2004, it was visible that the country was not anywhere close to meeting the criteria laid down in the Maastricht Treaty. Greece's budget deficit in the end of 1990s was close to 16 per cent of GDP, and outstanding debts ran to more than a 100 per cent of GDP. The country lost the faith of investors in its public finances and had to apply for financial aid to other members of the eurozone. Those latter countries, with some reservation from the side of Germany, which wanted to punish Greece for presenting false statistical, macroeconomic data, have promised to grant some financial support in order to save Greece and, thereby, save euro. The conditions of that financial aid are still to be settled. The question still open is, however, whether a defauling country such as Greece has to leave the euro and return to its national currency drachma. Another question is whether the Greek deserves a bailout and financial help from the side of other eurozone countries. Perhaps the best solution to the present Greek crisis would be to let Greece default, offering its creditors 70 or 80 per cent of their money. Default by a eurozone member should not lead to the decline of euro. On the contrary, it could be the only way to save the euro and to improve the budget policy in all eurozone countries. (original abstract)
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