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A few years ago, we were chatting casually about new models for authentication that would better protect critical information, such as student data and personal health records. Our group was composed of research scientists, psychologists, and educational researchers. Some of us worked more in the area of authentication and others in the area of developing new types of knowledge systems that could be integrated into courses and training sessions in ways that improved learning outcomes. Our discussions converged on how to build patient education systems that could provide ongoing support for self-management of chronic illness. Such systems could provide increased data collection on what a patient understood about their disease and how they acted to promote healthy behaviours, but would have to be implemented under strict conditions of protecting the privacy of the patient through access portals that had rigorous authentication barriers. The patient authentication-education models evolved to more generalized models for effective use of computational technologies to create adaptive learning environments that were evidence-based to improve educational outcomes while authenticating the learner. We were struck by the idea that research on the role of the unconscious mind might be critical to models for both authentication and new probes of learning processes as well as later expression of learning expressed in behaviour. (original abstract)
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