nr 164 Transformacja polskiej rachunkowości na tle rozwoju rachunkowości międzynarodowej
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Compliance National Regulations of Internal Auditing in Polish Public Universities in the Era after Transformation with International Regulations
Języki publikacji
Podstawowym celem artykułu jest natomiast charakterystyka współczesnych (w dobie posttransformacyjnej) polskich uczelni publicznych, w tym ich wewnętrznej struktury organizacyjnej, finansowania oraz systemów zarządzania i kontroli, a także prezentacja istoty współczesnego audytu wewnętrznego sektora polskich finansów publicznych (w tym uczelni publicznych) oraz jego roli w badaniu, ocenie i usprawnianiu systemów zarządzania oraz kontroli wewnętrznej w jednostkach. (fragment tekstu)
Contemporary internal auditing was introduced obligatory in Polish organizations of public finance only in 21st century (on January 1st 2002), in Polish public universities since the last quarter of 2002. Worldwide, on the other hand, contemporary internal auditing has been applied for longer time - its beginning dates for mid-20th century (1941 - foundation of The Institute of Internal Auditors in USA, 1977 - foundation of The European Court of Auditors). Basing on professional and legal regulations (international and domestic) and professional literature (international and domestic) the paper presents the idea of contemporary and modern internal auditing as an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity. The paper also presents development (evolution, changes), which took place during the last ten years. Internal auditing is an integral system of research, estimation, improvement internal control and management (including risk management) efficiency. Internal auditing helps an organization in providing right information, accomplish its objectives and in complex tasks (including increasing performance and supporting in forecasting unfavorable events and providing advice in neutralizing their effects). The main objective of this paper is characteristic of contemporary and modern (in the era after transformation) Polish public universities operating in dynamic and complex environment, both external and internal, including their internal organizational structure, financing, and management and control systems. The main purpose of this paper is also to present the level (the degree) of compliance of approach to internal auditing in domestic and international regulations and literature. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA