Warianty tytułu
Participation of Users in Management Information Systems Design
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono znaczenie analizy i stosowanych narzędzi dla projektowania systemu informatycznego. Omówiono przesłanki uczestnictwa użytkowników w opracowaniu założeń. Na koniec przedstawiono zadania użytkowników oraz warunki współpracy z informatykami.
The article is devoted to the role that should be played by a user in management information systems design. The user is the most competent expert in the problem under consideration as well as the recipient of the designed system who will utilise it as a tool supporting his work. When the role of the user is conceived in such a way, the need for his participation in system analysis becomes obvious. The author presents reasons for active participation of the user in all phases of analysis and design and specifies conditions under which the user can get involved in the project and prepared to cooperate with the design team. The importance of system analysis with users taking active part in it as well as the essence and principles of this sort of approach have been discussed. Strategy of system implementation with users' participation has been presented using traditional system life cycle. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
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