Warianty tytułu
Circumstances Excluding Criminal Responsibility of the Perpetrator of Defences in English Penal Law
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest charakterystyka instytucji defences, czyli szeroko rozumianych okoliczności wyłączających odpowiedzialność sprawcy czynu przestępnego. Jest ona niezbędna dla zrozumienia zasady winy w angielskim prawie karnym, w związku z dużymi jego odrębnościami w porównaniu do systemów obowiązujących w innych państwach. (...) Omówione zostaną kolejno: obrona konieczna (self-defence) i samopomoc (defence of prevention), stan wyższej konieczności, nieletniość, niepoczytalność, błąd co do faktu, błąd co do prawa oraz automatyzm (defence of of automatism). (fragment tekstu)
This article presents the issue of defences - the circumstances excluding criminal responsibility in English law history. They have an essential influence on the form of the principle of guilt in English law. The article shows their shaping and historical development, from former law till contemporary times as well as dissimilarity of those institutions from circumstances excluding criminal responsibility in continental criminal law. There was described the question of self-defence and defence of prevention, the institution which mitigates the results of narrow formulation of self-defence by common law. Pleading them appears the necessity of appraisal of behavior applicating the reasonable person standard. This standard is also of great importance in the successive described institution - state of emergency which divides into duress and necessity. There also were described minority and insanity defences, their development and evolution of the test of distinction between the good and the evil. The article also presents the issue of mistake of fact and mistake of law, circumstance which, as a rule, is not extenuating. Then it describes defence of automatism -the relatively new institution in the group of English defences. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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