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W opracowaniu omówiono korzyści komparatywne jako podstawę tradycyjnego handlu międzygałęziowego oraz handel wewnątrzgałęziowy jako nową formę wymiany międzynarodowej. Przedstawiono rolę i przyczyny prowadzenia handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego.
- 1. P Bożyk, J. Misala, M. Puławski (1998): Międzynarodowe stosunki ekonomiczne. Warszawa PWE.
- 2. A. Budnikowski (2003): Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze. Warszawa PWE.
- 3. M.C. Burda, B. Dluhosh (2000): Fragmentation, Globalization and Labor Markets. CESifo Working Paper Series, nr 352, München.
- 4. G. Calvo, R. Dornbusch, M. Obstfeld (red.): Money, Capital Mobility and Trade: Essays in Honor of Robert A. Mundell. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
- 5. R.E. Caves, J.A. Frankel, R.W. Jones (1998): Handel i finanse międzynarodowe. Warszawa 1998 PWE.
- 6. E. H. Chamberlin (1933): The Theory of Monopolistic Competition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA.
- 7. W.M. Corden (1979): Intra-lndustry Trade and Factor Proportions Theory. W: Giersch (red.), (1979).
- 8. E. Czarny (2002): Teoria i praktyka handlu wewnątrzgalęziowego. SGH, Warszawa.
- 9. E. Czarny, E. Nojszewska (2000): Mikroekonomia. Warszawa PWE.
- 10. A.K. Dixit, J. Stiglitz (1977): Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity. American Economic Review, vol. 67, s. 297-308.
- 11. Dreze (1961): Lex exportation intra-CEE en 1958 et la position Beige. Recherches Economiques de Louvain, s. 717-738.
- 12. J. Eaton, H. Kierzkowski (1984): Oligopolistic Competition, Product Variety and International Trade. W: Kierzkowski (wyd.) (1984), s. 69-83.
- 13. M.S. Ellis, L.A.Metzler (red.) (1949): Readings in the Theory of International Trade. Blakisten, Filadelfia.
- 14. R. Falvey, H. Kierzkowski (1987): Product Quality, Intra-lndustry Trade and (Im)perfect Competition. W: Kierzkowski (red.) (1987).
- 15. J. Fersterer, M. Landesmann (1998): Vertical Product Differentiation and International Trade: An Econometric Analysis. Institut fur Volkswirtschaftslehre Working Paper, No. 9808, Linz.
- 16. J.J. Gabszewicz, A. Shaked, J. Sutton, A.-F. Thisse (1981): International Trade in Differentiated Products. International Economic Review, vol. 22, nr 3, październik 1981, s. 527-533.
- 17. H. Giersch (red.) (1979): On the Economics of Intra-Industry Trade. Sympozjum 1978, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tybinga.
- 18. G.M. Grossman (red.) (1992): Imperfect Competition and International Trade. MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.).
- 19. H.G. Grubel, PJ. Lloyd (1975): Intra-Industry Trade: the Theory and Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade in Differentiated Products. Macmillan, Londyn.
- 20. E.F. Heckscher (1949): angielskojęzyczne tłumaczenie pracy opublikowanej w 1919 r. w Economisk Tidskrift w: Ellis H.S., Metzler L.A. (1949).
- 21. E. Helpman (1980): International Trade in the Presence of Product Differentiation, Economics of Scale nad Monopolistic Competition. A Chamberlin - Heckscher - Ohlin Approach, Seminar Paper nr 157, University of Stockholm, (zob. j.w. Journal of International Economics, vol. 1, nr 3, s. 305-340.
- 22. E. Helpman (1981): International Trade in the Presence of Product Differentiation, Economies of Scale, and Monopolistic Competition. A Chamberlin - Heckscher - Ohlin Approach. Journal of International Economics, vol. 11, sierpień 1981, s. 305- 340 (przedruk: G.M.Grossman, 1992, 229-259).
- 23. H. Hotelling (1929): Stability in Competition. Economic Journal, vol. 39, No. 153, s. 41-57.
- 24. R.W. Jones, H. Kierzkowski (1990): The Role of Services in Production and International Trade: A Theoretical Framework. W: Jones R.W., Krueger A.O. (1990).
- 25. R.W. Jones, H. Kierzkowski (1999): Horizontal Aspects of Vertical Fragmentation, mimeo University of Rochester and Graduate Institute of International Studies, Lozanna.
- 26. R.W. Jones, H. Kierzkowski (2001): Globalization and the Consequences of International Fragmentation. W: Calvo G.A., Dornbusch, Obstfeld M. (red.) (2001), s. 365-383.
- 27. R.W. Jones, A. Krueger (1990) (red.): The Political Economy of International Trade. Blackwell, Oxford.
- 28. J. Kol, P Rayment (1989a): Allyn Young Specialization and Intermediate Goods in Intra-Industry Trade. W: Kol J., Tharakan PK.M., (red.) (1989b), 51-68.
- 29. J. Kol, EK.M. Tharakan (red.) (1989b): Intra-Industry Trade Theory, Evidence and Extensions. Macmillan.
- 30. PR. Krugman (1979): Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition, and International Trade. Journal of International Economy, No. 9, s. 469-479.
- 31. PR. Krugman (1980): Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade. American Economic Review, vol. 70, nr 5, s. 950-959.
- 32. K. Lancaster (1979): Variety, Equity and Efficiency. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
- 33. K. Lancaster (1980): Intra-Industry Trade under Perfect Monopolistic Competition. Journal of International Economics, vol. 10, s. 151-175.
- 34. W.W. Leontief (1954). Domestic Production and Foreign Trade. The American Capital Position Reegzamined. Economia Internazionale, No. 7, luty 1954, s. 3-32.
- 35. S.B. Linder (1961): An Essay on Trade and Transformation. Uppsala.
- 36. B. Ohlin (1933): Interregional and International Trade. Harvard University Press.
- 37. G.I.P Ottaviano, D. Puga (1998): Agglomeration in the Global Economy: A Survey of the "New Economic Geography". CEPR Disscussion Paper, No. 356.
- 38. D. Ricardo (1817): On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Wyd. 1, J.Murray, Londyn (przedruk: Sraffa P (1951), vol. 1).
- 39. PA. Samuelson (1956): Social Indifference Curves. Quarterly Journal of Economics, nr 1, luty, s. 1-22.
- 40. A. Shaked, J. Sutton (1984): Natural Oligopolies and International Trade. W: Kierz- kowski H. (red.) (1984).
- 41. A. Shaked, J. Sutton (1987): Product Differentiation nad Industrial Structure. The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 36, nr 2, grudzień, s. 131-146.
- 42. A. Smith (1776): An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 43. P Sraffa (wyd.) (1951): The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 44. Verdoorn (1960): The Intra-Block Trade of Benelux. W: E.A.G. Robinson (wyd.), Economic Consequencies of the Size of Nations. Macmillan, Londyn, s. 291-329.
- 45. R. Vernon (1966): International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 80, nr 2, maj, s. 190-207.
- 46. J. Viner (1950): Customs Union Issues. Carnergie Endownment, Nowy Jork.
- 47. J. Weigand, E. Lehmann (1997): Produktdifferenzierung. Wktschaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt, Bd. 26, Nr 9, s. 477-480.
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