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Conditions of Development and Future Prospects of the Polish Investment Funds
Języki publikacji
Dotychczasowy rozwój polskich funduszy inwestycyjnych determinowany był przez różnorodne czynniki o charakterze prawnym oraz makro- i mikroekonomicznym. Dzięki znajomości tych uwarunkowań możliwe było podjęcie próby odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyszłość funduszy inwestycyjnych w polskich warunkach. Z przeprowadzonych rozważań rysuje się ogólnie pozytywny obraz przyszłości, chociaż nie jest ona pozbawiona potencjalnych zagrożeń. Poza rozważaniami czysto teoretycznymi, w opracowaniu zawarto również prognozę rozwoju polskich funduszy inwestycyjnych opartą na analogiach do funduszy amerykańskich. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The past development of Polish investment funds was determined by various factors of legislative and economic kind. Their exact impact on investment funds, investigated by the author in former research, allowed to consider the possible future of these financial vehicles. In general, further development of polish investment funds looks optimistic and rather unthreatened. Macroeconomic forecasts for the period of 2010-2012 are optimistic and do not indicate any serious disturbance within the Polish economy. This should be a good sign for the financial market, especially for equities. Despite predictions for the bond market are rather negative, central bank and market rates should remain on a relatively low level, which implicates rather weak bank deposits' competition. Also other competitive financial products do not seem to generate real threats for investment funds. Recent MiFID directives' implementation should bring the investment funds' assets less volatility in the future through more adequate investment strategy selection. Implementation of the euro currency may act as endangerment, but also as an opportunity for the domestic funds. Especially in the context of probably high management funds' results - typical for emerging markets. The only real adverse factor may be created by implementation of UCITS IV directive, which may lead to further polarization of the European UCITS market and depletion of smaller regional fund markets. Apart from the above factors, pure prognostic methods implicate, that the value of assets under management gathered within Polish funds should increase to 260-280 bln PLN in the year of 2015. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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