Warianty tytułu
How Foreign Direct Investments Influence National and Regional Labour Markets - A Case of the Voivodship of Lodz
Języki publikacji
Katarzyna Madaj w artykule pt. "Oddziaływanie BIZ na rynek pracy na przykładzie województwa łódzkiego" zaprezentowała teorie objaśniające wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na rynek pracy oraz podjęła próbę ich weryfikacji na przykładzie Polski, a w szczególności woj. łódzkiego. (fragment tekstu)
Whether the presence of affiliates of MNE will prove beneficial to a country's and region's labour markets, depends on a variety of factors. Among them the most important role play the MNE's motives for investing. These, in turn, result from the investor's strategy on one hand, and region-specific competitive advantages, on the other. Also, it is crucial for public institutions to be active in attracting and negotiating FDI contracts so that they bring about a rise in employment and development of human capital. This article provides an insight into theories discussing the impact of FDI on the receiving economy in the area of employment. It also presents a selection of statistical data concerning the labour markets of Poland and the voivodship of Lodz in order to identify correlation between MNEs' activities and employment. It also aims to evaluate the quality of public policies targeted at attracting FDI and shaping attitudes of foreign direct investors. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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