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2013 | 21 | nr 4 | 120-131
Tytuł artykułu

The Heteroglossic Linguistic Identity of Modern Companies

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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to make the reader acquainted with the linguistic identity of modern companies, taking into account its complexity and the multiplicity of factors creating its character. The author presents the theoretical aspects associated with linguistic heteroglossia in companies of the 21st century as well as the practical possibilities of using organizational multilingualism, showing the opportunities and challenges associated with the dialogism of organizations.

Methodology: The issue of heteroglossia in the business environment is discussed to show the various aspects determining the linguistic dimension of organizational identity, paying special attention to corporate polyphony at the individual and group level as well as its implications for creating the linguistic performance of modern companies. In terms of the theoretical dimension of this paper, based on the postmodern and systemic traditions in management, it presents the relation "language-individual-organization". The practical part of the paper presents the challenges associated with managing a heteroglossic organization.

Findings: The conducted discussion on the issue of heteroglossia characterizing linguistic identity allows to show the various aspects and factors of the investigated phenomenon, which are present on both the individual and social level. The described issues associated with organizational multilingualism point to effective ways of managing linguistically diversified organizations.

Practical implications: The investigated topic can be interesting not only for those involved scientifically in management, linguistics and widely-understood social sciences, but also for practitioners working in companies with a complex cultural and linguistic structure. The described theory followed by the discussion help understand how heteroglossia may influence the development of organizations as well as its potential and how to avoid mistakes in managing organizations with a multidimensional linguistic capital.

Originality: Taking into account the already-conducted investigations on corporate linguistic identity, the paper offers an approach that has not yet been investigated. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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