nr 129 Współczesne problemy ekonomiczne : wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne a praktyka gospodarcza
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James Buchanan's View on Public Debt and Indebtedness Crisis in the World
Języki publikacji
Głównym celem opracowania jest przedstawienie poglądów Jamesa Buchanana - wraz z ich ewolucją - na problematykę długu publicznego oraz powodów zadłużania się państw, a także prezentacja jego postulatów natury normatywnej dotyczących tego zjawiska. (fragment tekstu)
The global financial and economic crisis revealed threats connected with excessive indebtedness of countries, whose cause came from maintaining of structural deficits. As a consequence, there was a sudden deepening of deficits and jumping growth of indebtedness in the world. Sufficiently deep reforms may, however, restore the confidence of markets. Effectiveness and permanence of those reforms will depend in a large scale on fiscal constraints imposed on governments. One of the advocates of permanent constraints imposed on governments is James Buchanan - one of the most outstanding representative of public choice theory, who was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1986. The aim of this article it to present the views of James Buchanan along with its evolution on public debt issues and the reasons for generating indebtedness as well as a presentation of his proposals of normative nature towards this phenomena. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- J.H. Tempelman: James M. Buchanan on Public-Debt Finance. "The Independent Review", Winter 2007, Vol. XI, No. 3
- J.E. Alvey, James M. Buchanan: Ethics of Public Debt and Default. "Journal of Markets & Morality" Spring 2011, Vol. 14, No. 1.
- J.M. Buchanan: The Collected Works of James M. Buchanan. Liberty Fund, Indianapolis 1999, s. 358.
- R. Barro: Are Governments Bonds Net Wealth? "Journal of Political Economy" 82, No. 6 (November-December),1974 s. 1095-1117.
- J.M. Buchanan, R.E. Wagner: The Collected Works of James M. Buchanan. Liberty Fund, Indianapolis 1999, s. 34-35.
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