nr 79 Survey data in economic research : Polish contribution to the 28th CIRET Conference
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The problem stated in this paper is whether the incorporation of qualitative data into the econometric model improves short-term forecasts. The key assumption is that qualitative data reflects rational expectations, hence it broadens the category of a business entity to a substantial extent. Microeconomic decisions, which automatically absorb any events, decisions, and other phenomena in the economic environment, are expressed in time series derived from business survey data. Therefore, we can assume that business survey data combined with econometric instruments will have a certain added value, particularly if selected quantitative and qualitative variables are merged. This should make macroeconomic diagnosis and forecasting both quicker and better. The purpose of the empirical research is the evaluation of the predictive capabilities of the qualitative business survey data. The data set comprises time series of 15 variables from monthly business surveys and 21 time series of macroeconomic indicators published by the Central Statistical Office for the period 1995Q1 to 2005Q4. The applied econometric procedures shed light on the significant causal relations between qualitative and quantitative variables. Presented economic procedure is an essential preliminary condition for improvement of efficiency for forecasting of the main macroeconomic variables. (original abstract)
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