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2010 | nr 2 | 30-56
Tytuł artykułu

Metodologiczne założenia badań nad systemami politycznymi (na przykładzie analizy arbitrażu politycznego głowy państwa)

Warianty tytułu
Methodological Premises of Political System Research (Based on the Analysis of Political Arbitration of the Head of State)
Języki publikacji
Szczegółowo omówiono zagadnienie arbitrażu politycznego głowy państwa w kontekście badań nad systemami politycznymi.
Here is an overview of the key issues related to the methodology of research concerning political systems, exemplified by the political arbitration of the head of state. Increasingly, political system research focuses on single institutions rather than entire systems. However, the specific trait of all approaches applied by political science is a particular method "from the detail to the general". Put differently, particular phenomena and problems (for instance, the head of state as an arbiter) lead to further generalizations, encompassing the whole political system. This is why, research focusing on the substrates of political systems, amongst other things, is so vital in the study of politics. The methodology of research dealing with political systems involves the use of several detailed methods, including the dogmatic, historical and comparative method. There is no doubt, however, that the one that stands out in terms of its significance is the neo-institutional method, which today plays a key role in the description and analysis of political systems. It is also this method which to the highest degree identifies the approach taken by political science. All the other methods (including the dogmatic and comparative ones) are typical of other disciplines. One has to bear in mind, however, that political science research focusing on political systems has always been closely related to research typical of law, both disciplines being "almost identical," with "almost" acting as the key word here. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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