Warianty tytułu
The Development of Tourist Product in Bialovieska 's Forest Region
Języki publikacji
Dokonano analizy rozwoju produktów turystycznych w regionie Puszczy Białowieskiej. Jest to region szczególny, na obszarze którego zlokalizowanych jest wiele unikatowych produktów turystycznych (markowych). Jak dotychczas, w wyniku niezbyt skutecznej promocji dla wielu turystów krajowych i zagranicznych produkty turystyczne nie są znane, a region Puszczy Białowieskiej nie jest często odwiedzany, uwzględniając jego walory i atrakcje turystyczne. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The development of tourist product and its problematies in Bialovieska 's Forest region is in area of specialist interests who are engaging of tourism. This region traits of its unique tourist products suen as: scenery, natural and cultural trumps, which should land up in clients in its widen sphere. All the Bialovieska's Forest region products should be successfuly improved, thus the development of those products depend on many factors, which has area influence and decides about its purchase. The most important factor is human's factor. After analyzing presented topics they are formulated exposed conclusions: in Bialovieska's Forest region are found good quality and attractive tourist products, the further possible development and tourist forms should go together with the usage of the newest funds of promotion, in that region there should be developed different forms of balance tourism (ecotourism, ecoagrotourism, healthy tourism, agrotourism and scenery tourism), it should be pursued to more effective promotions of testifying services as well as improve applied promotion funds, in a widen way it should be promoted that unique tourist product and broaden the attractiveness of this region, in wide propotions to tourist product increase the number of tourist attractions, it should be movements done to step the employees qualifications up sending them for different forms of job improvement. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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