Warianty tytułu
Process and Barriers of Implementation of Humanizing Work Organizational Innovations Based on the Example of Cooperative Industry Enterprise
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono proces wdrażania w wybranym spółdzielczym przedsiębiorstwie przemysłu odzieżowego nowych metod organizacji pracy, a także ich ocenę według kryterium zadowolenia pracowników z wykonywanej pracy. Porównano zastaną w spółdzielni organizację pracy z wybranymi formami wzorcowymi szczególnie takimi jak grupy autonomiczne i rotacja pracy. Wobec nieudanych zmian istniejącej w badanej spółdzielni organizacji pracy podjęto próbę określenia przyczyn tych niepowodzeń. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The paper presents the conditions of implementation of such forms of labour organization as: autonomous groups and job rotation in the cooperative enterprise of textile branch. The collected information was estimated according to the criterion of workers' satisfaction with their work. Although the investigation proves workers' satisfaction with the existing labour organization, its change was attempted twice - without success. Their analysis makes the purposefulness of the planned subsequent attempt of change doubtful. It seems that the reasons cannot be found in the enterprise but in the environment which does not encourage or force changes. These changes are necessary because of considerable amount of waste products'. The solution of the problem may be the application of the Kornai theory in the form of the degree of sharpness of budget limitation of a firm e.i. passing from the mild limitation characteristic of the examined co-operative to the sharp budget limitation with characteristic features such as external determination of prices, unconditional collecting of taxes, no abatements and dotation's, no limitation of raw material, no credit without the guarantee of paying it back etc. The restoration of the role of dividend also seems, to be purposeful in order to make the workers be interested in financial prosperity of an enterprise. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Politechnika Łódzka
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Typ dokumentu
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