Tytuł artykułu
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Investment Competitions: Playing the Demo Account and Invest in a Real Account. Behavioral Determinants
Języki publikacji
Celem tego opracowania jest prześledzenie wpływu czynników behawioralnych na strategie inwestycyjne inwestorów na kontach realnych oraz w miarę posiadanych danych porównanie tychże strategii do wyników realizowanych na kontach demo. (fragment tekstu)
The purpose of this article is to trace the impact of behavioral factors on the investment strategies of investors in real accounts and, where available data comparing the results of those strategies implemented on a demo account. Gambling and psychological high-risk investments, realized futures markets appear to be identical, therefore assumes that the processes affecting investors are similar to processes affecting the gamblers. The main differences between investing in the demo account and investing in real conditions in the competitions are: - Time limits - the investor is often only a few weeks to "prove" the result and at this time is hyperactive, which does not reflect its actual investment preferences. - Ranking Competition. - Acceptance of risk, due to the possibility of receiving the prize in the competition. Under such conditions, the risks taken by investors is often limited maximum and owned capital. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Łódzki
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Typ dokumentu
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