Warianty tytułu
Retirement - a Decision or an Inevitable Course of Things
Języki publikacji
Autor rozpatruje zagadnienie zaprzestania aktywności zawodowej. Przeprowadzone w artykule kwantyfikowanie konsumpcji i świadczeń zakłada z jednej strony uczestnictwo w jakimś zorganizowanym systemie, z drugiej ograniczanie konsumpcji w okresie aktywności zawodowej i generowanie oszczędności o charakterze emerytalnym. Autor opowiada się za wprowadzeniem mechanizmów, które pozwalają na uelastycznienie wieku emerytalnego, z jednoczesną możliwością wykorzystania zgromadzonych środków i praw o charakterze emerytalnym (zarówno w systemach obowiązkowych, jak i dobrowolnych). (fragment tekstu)
Pension benefits, most frequently understood as an element of the social policy of the state in many cases mean a considerable burden on the public finances. For many years the criteria of granting those benefits have been changing, depending on the accepted vision of the state. The main problem, however is to determine the limit of old age and its consequences for a physical, economic, psychological or social aspect of life. Due to the fact that time can be measured objectively, it is easy to define age on the basis of a birth certificate Another conventional limit is quitting one's job when a person reaches the age entitling him/her to pension benefits taken from the base system. Still another limit can be poor health, i.e. a situation when a person is no longer able to take proper care of himself/herself as is expected of the adults. Therefore, the author approaches the question of quitting one's job as a decision-making process. A rational process of making a decision to retire consists of three basic elements: 1) determination of external factors and their influence on the decision made, 2) analysis of considerations on quitting one's career (internal factors), 3) factors deciding about the time of retiring. There are two key factors in the whole process of making a decision to retire. The first one is comparing the anticipated financial requirements when retired with the expected future incomes. This means that consumption must be compared with the benefits received and other payments. Quantification of consumption and pension benefits presented in the article assumes, on the one hand participation in some organized system and, on the other hand reducing consumption in the period of one's professional activity and generating savings for the time of retirement. The author is in favour of introducing the mechanisms which will make the retirement age more flexible, with a simultaneous possibility of using the accumulated means and rights (both in the obligatory and optional systems). (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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