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Strategic decision making is usually conducted by a firm's top management, led by the CEO or the President of the company. In keeping with this, 40 top level managers in two very different regions (California, USA and Hungary) were targeted in a comparative research study. In the two countries, twelve of the managers were CEOs, Presidents, Vice Presidents or Chief Officers (hereafter referred to as Executives) while eight were founders and majority owners of their own enterprises (hereafter referred to as Entrepreneurs). The research focused on the following 3 areas: 1) How top level managers really make strategic decisions in these two different parts of the world; 2) How Entrepreneurs and Executives differ, if at all, in their approach to strategic decision making when they combine analytical thinking with their intuition; 3) The similarities and differences in management skills and decision making practices between Entrepreneurs and Executives within the investigated management cultures. In both countries, top level managers combined analytical and intuitive approaches in strategic decision making. Executives showed more characteristics of analytical thinking than Entrepreneurs. While Entrepreneurs used quantitative information in the preparatory phase of the decision making process, they followed their instincts when the final choice was made. Executives liked to be seen as more rational, while Entrepreneurs were very proud of relying on their instincts. Respondents were also asked to rank given management skills. I found cognitive dissonance between the management's ranking and their self-assessment in these same skills. Entrepreneurs had a defi nite advantage compared to Executives in risk taking and in a sense for business. (original abstract)
- Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
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