Tytuł artykułu
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Social and Economic Transformations in Population Income in Poland and some other States in the Transformation Period
Języki publikacji
W artykule została podjęta próba analizy przeobrażeń społeczno-ekonomicznych w zakresie dochodów społeczeństwa polskiego oraz wybranych państw Europy, jakie wystąpiły w okresie transformacji systemowej. Przykład Polski jest szczególnie interesujący, gdyż właśnie w Polsce wybrano jako metodę wprowadzenia zmian tzw. terapię szokową.(fragment tekstu)
In the article, the problem has been raised of the population income in Poland and some other selected states in the transformation period. Changes in the population income were investigated. The GINI coefficient was used for determining the differentiation of household income in money. It was found that the economic development and progressing increase in the wealth level in each of the states of the Central and Eastern Europe depends, among other things, on the integration processes inspired by the European Union and on the globalization processes stimulated by the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. As regards the average monthly pay in selected sectors, in 2009, it amounted in Poland to PLN 3098 in the industry sector, as compared with average pays in the same year in the financial brokerage sector which amounted to PLN 5234. Financial services belongs to the group of modern services addressing the sphere of the capital turnover. Since 2006, the population stratification in respect of the money income level has been decreasing in Poland.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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