Warianty tytułu
Foreign Exchange Reserves of Capitalist Countries in the Eighties
Języki publikacji
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zmiany rezerw walutowych krajów kapitalistycznych za lata 1980-1987. Omówiono strukturę rezerw walutowych: rezerwy złota, rezerwy dewizowe oraz rezerwy w MFW, SDR-y.
The problem of foreign exchange reserves never stops being a live issue, in spite of the change of the optics in which the repeated reform of the international currency system is seen at present. Having explained the notion of the reserves and some methodological questions concerning their presentation in Western statistics, the author discusses the reasons by which central banks go when forming their exchange reserves. Against this background, the changes in the level of the reserves in the eighties, as well as the changes in their geographical and generic structures, are analysed, The aim of the paper is to explain causes and effects of those changes, especially the causes and the effects of a sharp increase in the reserves in 1987.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
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- Martini J.C., Le marchè de l´orau dède 1980, Banque no 393, Mars 1980.
- Falchi G., Masera R.S., The Role of Gold in Central Banks Reserve Composition, Banca d'Italia Research Department, Rome, February 1982.
- Taiwan calls the tune, "Financial Times", 13.06.1988, za: Biuletyn Ekonomiczny PAP, no 1603 z 15.08.1988.
- "International Financial Statistics", IMF, July 1988.
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- Kaźmierczak A., Źródła płynności międzynarodowej w kapitaliźmie, "Kapitalizm" 1982, nr 1.
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